We work with a number of partners to provide services in and around Portsmouth, including Portsmouth City Council, Solent NHS Trust and Public Health England.
Our Portsmouth core homelessness service provides supported accommodation for up to 62 adults, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. This service operates across three locations Hope House, Locksway Road and Nile House, each is tailored to the needs of the clients and offers various levels of support.
Our aim is to support clients with their individual support needs to enable them to gain the life skills to move on to lower or independent supported living.
We also have our Portsmouth temporary accommodation service which provides short-term accommodation for up to 33 individuals adults, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. This service operates across three locations; Yew House, Herbert Road and Foster Road, each is tailored to the needs of the clients and offers various levels of support.
We support clients to maintain their temporary accommodation and prepare them for moving to appropriate housing options.
Our young people services provide supported accommodation for up to 83 young people between the age of 16 and 25, including care leavers. The service operates across three locations, All Saints, The Foyer and Victoria Road South, each is tailored to the needs of the clients and offer various levels of support.
Our aim is to support to young people with their individual support needs to enable then to gain life skills such as support with living skills, finances and substance abuse so they can move on to a lower level or independent supported living.
Our mental health supported accommodation services provide various levels of tailored support in a number of locations across Portsmouth.
Oakdene is a mental health supported housing service. We deliver person-centred support, to empower clients and support them on their recovery journey.
All clients in this service have been referred by an Adult Mental Health Practitioner, will have a mental health diagnosis, an acquired brain injury or other diagnosed mental health need that could be met by a supported living service.
We have a dedicated and passionate team, who deliver intensive and step-down support to clients living in the service.
Outram Road provides supported accommodation for up to 12 adults, who have mental ill health and alcohol / substance misuse needs.
We provide housing and needs led support in order to help manage their mental health issues and continue recovery, avoid and reduce substance misuse and to further develop independent living skills towards full independence.
Portsmouth mental health – move on service provides supported accommodation for up to 40 adults, across eight properties in Portsmouth, for individuals who are experiencing mental ill health and alcohol / substance misuse and require support to prevent them becoming homeless.
Our aim is to provide support to empower clients to become more independent. We support them to manage a tenancy, keep them safe and prepare them for moving on to lower level support/independent accommodation.
We also provide a sublet move-on accommodation service for people within our mental health service. Our team provide intensive housing management support to clients living in self-contained units across Portsmouth city with the aim to support clients to manage a tenancy independently.
Our community support service provides an in-reach health navigator service to adults who have been admitted to Queen Alexandra Hospital and are either homeless or living in unsafe / unsuitable accommodation. We work in partnership with health and housing partners.
Our aim is to reduce repeat A&E attendance / hospital admissions, to support clients to complete treatment before being discharged and ensure their health needs are met.
Our safer communities service provides housing related support for adults with offending backgrounds. Our aim is to support clients to address issues connected with previous offending behaviours, develop their life skills, resettle into the community and live independently.