Support Us


Every penny we receive in donations goes directly towards helping people who are homeless, vulnerable or in need of support.

Your donation makes a big difference helping people rebuild their lives for a brighter future.  You can donate on a one off or monthly basis for as little or as much as you like. You don’t have to donate money – see below for a list of items our services need.



Do you have time to spare on a regular basis? Even if it’s just an hour every week or two you can make a big difference. We need volunteers to work with our clients and play a part in changing their lives. From making tea or answering the phones to delivering training or becoming a mentor for someone who is looking for a job; whatever role you take on, you will directly benefit homeless people. Being a volunteer at Two Saints is hugely rewarding and it’s a great way to meet new people, learn new skills and enhance your own CV at the same time – contact us if you’re interested in volunteering.

Corporate Support

Supporting the area where you are based makes good business sense. People like to work for organisations that care about the issues that affect them and customers like to buy products or services from organisations who make a difference. What’s more, social responsibility doesn’t need to come with a huge price tag, and getting your staff involved can be a brilliant team building exercise. Many local businesses who are already involved with Two Saints have reaped the benefits. Let us know if you’re raising money for us, we love to see what everyone gets up to.


You can raise money for us on your own, with family, friends or workmates, and have fun at the same time! Fundraising is a great way to meet new people, try something new, get fit or achieve a personal goal. Whatever you decide to do, we’ll support you all the way. You can set up a fundraising page via JustGiving. Please help us to make a difference to people who are homeless in your community.

You can also raise funds for us by signing up to: easyfundraising. Shop as usual but access your favourite retailers through the easyfundraising app – it doesn’t cost you a penny!

Here’s what our services would welcome as donations …

Andover, Dene Court

Please phone 01264 359959 to arrange to drop off your items

Gift cards for £5 or £10 (Asda, Argos, Sainsbury, Wilko).
Plastic storage boxes
Single bedding (new)
Towels (new)
Socks (new)
Thermos flask
Toiletries for male and female
Scarves and gloves
Sanitary products

Gosport and Fareham

Please phone 01329 281995 or 02392 511062 to arrange delivery of your donations

Gift cards for £5 or £10 (Asda, Argos, Sainsbury’s, Wilko etc.)

Large plastic storage boxes

Non-perishable food items

Hand warmers

Full-size toiletries – male and female

Single wrapper toothbrushes


Waterproof clothes



Underwear – male and female varying sizes

Pyjamas – male and female, varying sizes

Slippers – male and female, varying sizes

Dressing gowns – male and female, varying sizes

Trainers – male and female, varying sizes

Pillows (new)

Single sheets (new)

Single duvets (new)

Single duvet sets (new)

Bath towels (new)

Thermos flasks

Sleeping bags


Newbury, West Berkshire

Please phone 01635 569000 to arrange delivery of your items

  • Gift cards for £5 or £10 (Asda, Argos, Sainsbury, Wilko)
  • Plastic storage boxes
  • Single bedding (new)
  • Toiletries (male/female, inc. razors, shaving cream, shower gel, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner) 
  • Cup-a-soups, pot noodles, microwave meals, pasta sachets
  • Thermos mugs
  • Hot chocolate
  • Socks
  • Hats and gloves
  • Blankets
  • Coats
  • Items for dogs (leads, toys, food etc)
  • Art supplies
Portsmouth, Hope House

Please phone 02392 736544 to arrange delivery of your items

  • Thermos mugs
  • Tea, coffee, sugar, UHT milk
  • Tubs/tins of sweets or chocolates
  • Mug shots / Cuppa soups
  • Cutlery
  • Mugs
  • Shampoo
  • Shower Gel
  • Soap
  • Towels (new)
  • Dried and canned food (no kidney beans)
Portsmouth, Young People

Please phone 02392 360001 to arrange delivery of your items


  • Board games
  • Gift cards for £5 or £10 (Asda, Argos, Sainsbury, Wilko)
  • Holdalls
  • Single bedding (new)
  • Double bedding (new)
  • Toiletries (male and female). We also specifically need products for our Black clients (shampoo and conditioner, skin products that are designed for Black hair and skin)
  • Chocolate
  • Towels (new)
  • Cutlery/Crockery
  • Dried food
  • Pots and pans
  • Art supplies
  • Items for ‘Self Soothe’ boxes – find out more here: How to Make a Self-Soothe Box | Young Person Blog | YoungMinds
Please phone 01962 841599 to arrange delivery of your items
Gift cards (Aldi, Tesco, Sainsbury etc)
Towels (new)
Toiletries for male and female
Cutlery set
Basingstoke, May Place

Please phone 01256 840110 to arrange to drop off your items

Gift cards for £5 or £10 (Asda, Argos, Sainsbury, Wilko)

Adult colouring books and colouring pens

Plastic storage boxes

Toiletries – male and female

Slippers – male and female, varying sizes


Cup a soups or similar

Pot noodles

Hot chocolate

Mugs and tumblers

Hats, gloves and scarves

Single bedding (new)


Please phone 02392 477863 to arrange delivery of your items

£5 or £10 gift cards (for ASDA, Wilkinsons, Sainsburys etc)

Soup (tins or packets)

Thermos flasks

Plastic storage boxes

Single bedding (new)

Towels (new)

Toiletries (male and female)

Sleeping bags

Winter hats



Please 01730 260825 to arrange delivery of your items

£5 or £10 gift cards (for ASDA, Wilkinsons, Sainsburys etc)

Plastic storage boxes

Single bedding (new)

Towels (new)

Toiletries (male and female)

Sleeping bags

Winter hats


Portsmouth, Mental Health

Please phone 02392 730395 to arrange delivery of your items

Dried food
Supermarket vouchers (Asda, Tesco etc)
Personal products – male and female – shampoos, shower gels, toothpaste etc
New towels
Socks – male and female

Southampton, Day Centre

Please phone 02380 223443 to arrange to drop off your donations

New underwear (male and female)

Female clothing in sizes 4,6,8, and 10





Winter coats


Sleeping bags

Sleeping mats

Toiletries (e.g. shower gel)

Items for Ladies’ Night (e.g. unused make-up, body lotion, nail varnish)

Bag For Life/canvas bags

Tinned food (can be after ‘best before’, but we can’t use food which has passed its ‘use by’ date)

Towels in good condition (do not need to be new)

Art supplies

£5 or £10 gift cards (for ASDA, Wilkinsons, Sainsburys etc)

Single size bedding/pillows/duvet covers (we cannot accept anything with children’s prints or patterns, e.g. cartoons)


Furniture (if it has a fire label, or is something like wooden table or chairs – but would need to check the service has space for it first)

Home decor items (e.g. cushions, throws, fake plants, canvases for walls – we tend to avoid any paintings behind glass frames. These items help to make our houses feel homely, and can be given to clients moving on from services and setting up their first independent home) 

Wokingham, outreach services

Please email to arrange delivery of your items

£5/10 vouchers for Asda, Sainsbury’s, co-op, Tesco, Argos
£5/10 vouchers for phone credit (all brands)


Please phone 02380 647164 to arrange delivery of your items

Plastic storage boxes for use when clients move to their new home
Single bedding (sheets, duvet covers, duvet and pillows – new)
Kettle (new)
Iron (new)
Gift cards for £5 or £10 (Asda, Argos, Sainsbury, Wilko)
Food – pasta, tins, cereal, rice, beans etc

Isle of Wight

Please email to arrange delivery of your items.

Gift Cards (£5, £10, £20 and £50 from any local supermarket, Argos, Matalan, Costa) – we use these vouchers to support our clients who are rough sleeping or moving into their new home, enabling them to choose their own kitchen equipment, utensils and soft furnishings.

Toiletries: male and female

Bedding (new) for single and double beds

Towels (new)

Thermos flasks and mugs

Food – Pot Noodles, tinned fish and meat, tinned baked beans, bottles of water and soft drink, crisps, breakfast biscuits, chocolate, long life milk

Waterproof clothing


Please 01420 481045 to arrange delivery of your items

Towels (new)

Winter hats


Portsmouth, temporary accommodation

Please phone 07976298576 to arrange delivery of your items

Food Items
New Bedding
New Duvets (Double & Single)
New Pillows
Sanitary Products
Toothbrushes & Toothpaste
Southampton, Young People

Please phone 02380 232450 to arrange delivery of your items

Baby supplies for the young parent service (e.g. unopened nappies, new or lightly used baby clothing or baby toys. We cannot accept crib mattresses, baby formula, or baby/child car seats, but can accept Moses baskets or a crib without a mattress)

Home decor items (e.g. cushions, throws, fake plants, canvases for walls – we tend to avoid any paintings behind glass frames. These items help to make our houses feel homely, and can be given to clients moving on from services and setting up their first independent home)

£5 or £10 gift cards (for ASDA, Wilkinsons, Sainsburys etc. We use these vouchers to purchase essential items such as kettles, irons, crockery, and cooking utensils for young people when they move into independent living)

Two Saints Ltd

Central Services
Fareham House
69 High Street
PO16 7BB

01329 234600


Are you sleeping rough and want to find out about local support services?

Or have you seen someone sleeping rough and want to alert local authorities and charities?

Click here to use StreetLink, a platform connecting people who are rough sleeping to support services:

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