We work with Hampshire County Council and Test Valley Borough Housing to provide the following:
The supported accommodation at our Dene Court service that provides 24/7 support for up to 18 clients with complex and high-level support needs.
Our aim is to provide person-centred support to our clients, empowering them to gain the life skills they require to move on to more independent living. We also work with a range of agencies to maximise the support and opportunities for clients.
We also provide supported accommodation across four other locations in Andover: Bridge House, Turin Close, Stubbs Road and Prospect Court.
These properties include shared houses and self-contained flats, each is provided with various levels of support which are tailored to the needs of the clients. These properties are the next step in a client’s journey, and they have usually spent time at Dene Court.
We support our clients to work towards independent living, providing budgeting support, benefit advice and signposting to other supporting partners. Our goal is to support clients to find longer term housing options.
We provide a volunteer befrienders service with a team of volunteers who support our clients to achieve their goals, and access activities and services available in the local community.
Befrienders will use their skills to help our clients engage in activities and learn new skills. This could include cooking, gardening, having a chat over coffee and cake or developing IT skills.
We’re grateful to the Big Lottery Community Fund who have allocated us the funds for this service. If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer befriender in West Berkshire, Newbury or Andover please contact our befriender co-ordinator (terri.harley@twosaints.org.uk)
Tel: 01264 369679