A trip on Ocean Venture. When Liam – a client in our Portsmouth Foyer service – was offered the trip of a lifetime aboard the Ocean Venture yacht he dived in feet first!
Liam helped crew the 60 foot ocean going yacht from Newcastle to Portsmouth. During the 400 mile voyage he worked as part of a team and learnt how to take the help, work in the galley and climb the mast. It was an amazing adventure that has helped him take a different, more positive perspective on his life.
Liam said “It was an awesome experience but one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do as the whole team relies on each other to pull their weight. There were some scary moments to overcome like climbing up the mast to make a repair and huge waves! The whole experience has been very rewarding. I’ve learnt a lot about myself and want o thank the team on board The Ocean Venture for giving me this opportunity”.
Rick Ganley of Ocean Venture said “Liam was a natural on the helm and on a serious 400 mile passage he really become a team player ad had an experience he can draw on in the future”.
Ocean Venture is a 60ft ocean going yacht operated by The Apex Church. Their aim is to encourage and re-envision people through life’s challenges; addictive natures, marital breakdowns or a fading sense of purpose among many. Ocean venture utilises the natural adventure and camaraderie found only at sea. Restoring meaning to lives, building trust through responsibility and creating life experience that can be drawn on back on dry and familiar land. To learn more about Ocean Venture click here.