Dene Court

Our hostel at Dene Court has 18 rooms with shared facilities and full-board catered service. There is 24 hour on site support and all clients are allocated a support worker for the duration of any stay. Referrals via Test Valley Borough Housing or contact Dene Court for more information.

Our outreach worker is based at Dene Court and works with people who are street homeless helping them to access all relevant services including housing.

Contact information
Dene Court
2 Dene Road
SP10 2RN
01264 359959

Prospect Court

The move on flats at Prospect Court are for clients with low to medium support needs.  Our clients are supported to move towards their own independent accommodation. Referrals via Test Valley Borough Housing or contact Dene Court for more information.

Contact information
Prospect Court
Flats 1 – 7 Winchester Road
SP10 2EG
01264 359959

Community Support – Bridge House

Prevention, Early Intervention and Resettlement service

Our community support team offer advice and support to anyone aged 18 and over with homelessness, eviction notices, housing options, benefits, budgeting and managing a tenancy.

Our office is open 9am- 5pm Monday to Friday and if you need advice or support please call us. If we cannot support you over the phone we can arrange an appointment for you to come and see us. If the issue will take longer to resolve, or there are several things you require support with, you may be allocated a support worker.

Eight units of supported accommodation are also available and a support worker is allocated to clients for the duration of their stay. There’s a referral process for this service and we are therefore unable to provide emergency or short term accommodation. However, the team are able to offer advice on short term and emergency options available in other areas.

Bridge House
27 – 29 Bridge Street
SP10 1BE
Telephone 01264 369679


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